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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

NTT and Truffles

Happy Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all!  Before we get into today's post, I want to make sure you know that I have two giveaways going on right now, and several coupons, including a great coupon for quilt labels from Finer Ribbon!  You can enter the giveaways HERE!  Alrighty then, now that that's taken care of, let me share my newest finish, Truffles!

I settled on the name Truffles because the round, overlapping shapes remind me of little treats piled on a plate, and the colors just look so sweet!  I really loved working with these colors.  As much as I like them, it's not a palette I've used very often.

The backing is pieced simply with scraps from the front, and although I wish I had a little bit more red fabric on the back, when you're working with the leftovers, you just use what you have!

Kona Rich Red is the perfect frame for this quilt.  It blends with the deepest red beautifully and really pops.  I don't buy a lot of solids just for my stash because I prefer to coordinate them with each project as I go along.  This is one of the few solids I happened to have in my cabinet though, so I was thrilled that it worked so well.  That means that other than the white, every bit of fabric for this one came out of my cabinet- winning!

Can you tell that I'm really making an effort lately to make quilts entirely from stash?  Snatching up fabric when I find a great sale is fantastic, but unless I actually make a concerted effort to use what I have, it doesn't do much good.

By the way, I'm still putting the finishing touches on the Truffles pattern, so be on the lookout for it within the next week or so!  It's a fun one to make, and pretty quick, too!

Soooo...let's get to last week's party highlights!

Amanda at Material Girl Quilts shared this delectable blue and green Oakshott HRT.  That's a Half Rectangle Triangle, in case you're wondering.  I've only worked with HRT's once, and even though I liked the finished result, they were a bit of a pain (and it was a small project).  So, my hat's off to Amanda on this beauty!

This mini from Lori at Crossquilt is super adorable.  I love that text print background!

and Katie Mae Quilts shared this stunning Shivaun Place finish.  So lovely!

Wow.  just wow!  I seriously could have chosen at least five more to share with you from last week.  There was certainly no shortage of awesomeness.  Of course, that's true every week, it seems.  I'm on pins and needles (pun intended...maybe ;)  ) to see what you have going on this week!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Truffles turned out beautifully. Using from the stash can be both fun and challenging.

  2. I love your color combination as well. Stash busting is the best feeling. And man, I hope to be able to machine bind a binding as well as you someday. Yours is like, perfect!! SMILES!

  3. I love your color combination as well. Stash busting is the best feeling. And man, I hope to be able to machine bind a binding as well as you someday. Yours is like, perfect!! SMILES!

  4. LOVE your quilt! It is gorgeous and the name fits perfectly. Also appreciate your comment about using stash. Here, here!

  5. Your Truffles quilt is adorable -- added bonus, I can enjoy it without any calories, unlike the Godiva truffles! :-)

  6. I cannot BELIEVE how many quilts you make! Not only are you fast, your eye for color and design is fabulous! I was just wondering if this quilt is possibly for sale?

    1. Thank you so much Janice! I'm so glad you like it. These colors were so much fun to work with. Actually, this quilt IS for sale. Click on the Email Me button in my right sidebar to send me an email. You are coming up as "no-reply" so I can't email you directly.

      :) Kelly

    2. I tried using your E-mail link. When I click on the "E-mail me" icon, my cursor does change to a pointing finger so I know it's an actual link, but it doesn't go anywhere or open up an e-mail window. Hmm. I thought my e-mail address was connected to my name. How do I change that so you can reply to me?

  7. Kelly, your Truffles quilt is quite beautiful! Your red binding frame is absolutely perfect! The teal/aqua could have worked in a pinch but the red wins hands down. I can think of at least 3 combinations from my stash that would work for this one. Looking forward to seeing your pattern when you get it done. Thanks for sharing and motivating! (janeherbst at roadrunner dot com)

  8. Love the new Truffles quilt! :) Such beautiful work! You are amazing, Kelly! ♥♥ --Jodie

  9. I love the binding you picked! It is perfect!

  10. Hi Kelly. I love your quilt. I love the binding too! I joined your party tonight.
    I'd like to invite you to come over to my blog and link your party. You can click on the leaf on the sidebar it will take you to the currently linky. You can link every week. Each week I pick a party to feature.
    Come over and link up!


PLEASE NOTE- I monitor comments closely, and spam comments will be deleted. This includes comments with links of any kind.

Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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