Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all. I've been sewing these Summer Blossom blocks all week and just loving the way they're coming together!

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all. I've been sewing these Summer Blossom blocks all week and just loving the way they're coming together!
Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of having my parents and grandmother in town for a visit, so much of my week was consumed with that. Even still, I did get a little sewing in and added some blue and purple scraps to the big rainbow on my design wall.
To be clear, I had SO many blue scraps, and this is not nearly all of them; but I pulled out enough for this project. I'll just have to deal with the rest later. Other than a couple of large scrap chunks, these two panels did finish off my purples though.
I've finally decided what I'm going to do with all of these, and I can't wait to see it take shape!
Without further ado, let's take a look at some of the highlights from last week's party. Jocelyn at Happy Cottage Quilter linked up this cute spring table runner-
Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all. This week, I've been methodically working through my scrap jars and have made really good progress.
Hey there, friends! Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday! This week, I finished my Starfire class sample and all of the step-outs, so it's a relief to check that off my to-do list. We've been having lots of dreary weather lately, but boy does this quilt bring the warmth and sunshine!
Hey there, friends! Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday. I've been sewing like crazy this week, but not sewing scraps, as I had intended. Some important quilty mail arrived and I had to switch gears.
You may remember that I'll be teaching my Starfire pattern on a Stitchin' Heaven Land Ahoy trip in San Diego this spring. I actually made the original quilt way back in 2016, and it has long been at its new home. So, I knew that in addition to making step-outs for class, I would need to make a whole new sample quilt!
Hey there, friends! Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday. It's been a busy week at my house, but even still, I've had a little time to start sewing through my remaining scraps. After the riot of color of my Fractured Logs quilt, I decided to sew the rest by color for a more controlled quilt. I don't really have a plan for them yet, but I'm sure something will come to me. So far, I've gotten through pinks and reds.
Hey there, y'all! Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday. Today, I have a brand new quilt finish to share, and it's so fun and happy!
If you missed my last post, these log cabin blocks were made entirely from scraps of varying width. I just kept adding strings until they were 13" square, and then pressed them, quartered them, and shuffled them. The result is wonderfully busy and loud, and lots of fun.