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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Come Link Up, Friends!

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all!  Isn't the feeling that the weekend is almost here just awesome?  I don't know what it is, but as soon as Wednesday's work day is over, I start feeling the downhill slide of the week and the weight on my shoulders lightens up a little bit.

I have been madly working on my Bubble Bath quilt pattern, and it is almost finished.  eek!  I can't wait to release it!  In the midst of that though, I sewed up this little preemie quilt to donate to the local children's hospital.  I'm sure you recognize those little bits.  They're the leftover triangle corners from my Sunny Skies quilt.  Since I ordinarily just throw these away, I'm feeling pretty good about turning these scraps into something so fun!  This little quilt is only about 32 x 36 inches.

I backed it with the same aqua dot that I used on Sunny Skies, and used the navy to bind it.

Last week's party was full of spring quilting inspiration!  Maryse Makes Things showed off her finished granny square quilt.  The quilt and the photos are just gorgeous.  Doesn't that photo make you want to curl up in that hammock with that beauty?

Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs shared several WIP's, but my favorite of them is her soothing Sea Star quilt.

and finally, Julie at Pink Doxies linked up her latest HST quilt, as well as photos of her new sewing space.  Love the colors in this one!

Seriously, you have no idea how much inspiration you give me week after week!  Time to continue the awesomeness!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. love your little quilt, the colors are perfect!

  2. Good to use the scraps to help others and keep it out of the landfills.

  3. In Oregon a good place to recycle fabric scraps is Goodwill, who sends it overseas to an Asian country, where they recycle it into insulation.

  4. In Oregon a good place to recycle fabric scraps is Goodwill, who sends it overseas to an Asian country, where they recycle it into insulation.

  5. I love the combination of dark and light in your preemie quilt.

  6. Hi Kelly! Your baby quilt is beautiful! What a lovely way to use the triangles - I need to try this random layout. Great picks from the last week - I loved these, too! x Teje

  7. Left overs or scraps rarely leave me! They always make the best things! Sweet little quilt!

  8. Love your preemie quilt. I too played with HST to make a back for a charity quilt.

  9. Kelly, your baby quilt is so bright and cheery, and your caring will mean so much to someone at a time when they need it most.

    I'm a scrap lover, as you can tell, and my QST quilt you featured today shows it. Thank you so much for the shout out above.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  10. What a wonderful layout for those HST! I find my own approach to HST to be too systematic to have ever come to a layout like this but seeing yours is a wonderful inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love your quilt! I love the HST and the colors and prints you used! Thank you so much for highlighting my Sea Star pattern.

  12. I love your preemie quilt! Seriously, that was just leftovers from another project? Impressive!

  13. Sooo beautiful! What a great choice of fabrics...

  14. That Sunny Skies is super gorgeous! Well done!


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