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Friday, April 3, 2015

Sunny Skies

The name of this quilt is a bit of wishful thinking.  It was finished and photographed in a mad rush, trying to beat the thunderstorms that are heading our way, which will inevitably make the ground soggy and unsuitable for photos for days.  I did get sprinkled with a few raindrops, and had to get my shots as efficiently as possible between gusts of wind, but that's just all part of the beauty of spring!

I really enjoyed working with the calm, soothing color palette of this quilt.  It feels so light and airy to me, and perfect for the season.

I used all of the scraps in the backing, and used an aqua pin dot fabric to finish it out.  You can see the fabric really well in the photo of the quilt label.  I like the way both the yellow and navy pop against it, and the way that the navy binding stands out as well.

Slowly but surely, everything is turning green again, just in time for Easter.  After such a long, icy winter, the warmer days and blooming trees are so inspiring, and everything feels light and hopeful.  Happy Easter weekend, y'all!


  1. I love those colors! Your quilt is beautiful! Happy Easter! XO

  2. Great pattern and love the color combo!!

  3. You got some amazing photos. I really like the quilt and the color scheme a lot. Happy easter.

  4. Beautiful colors and I love that pattern! I feel like the weather is never in my favor for quilt pictures, but I'm usually so excited to share my quilt with my online friends that I just have to make the best of it. Haha. :)

  5. Beautifully done, super colours and a very apt name! Happy Easter!

  6. Another really lovely quilt Kelly. Happy Easter!

  7. I like those colours too. Very nice

  8. Gorgeous! I love the colors. Congrats on a sweet finish.

  9. Lovely colour combination and a terrific backing!

  10. Love your colors!! Happy Easter :)

  11. It's funny how using different fabrics can make a pattern look completely different. I had to go back and look at your original tutorial because I didn't remember this pattern. Using fabrics that read a bit more as solids really have a different visual impact. I really love it!

  12. Oh, those colors! What a beautiful quilt.

  13. ...and the yellow in the quilt matches the "flowers" in the grass. :-) My husband, who is not a gardener, still wonders why I am constantly destroying the plants that grow those flowers. Seriously though, I luv the color selection in the quilt. You do a mighty fine job.

  14. I just love this quilt. The colors are so cheerful and crisp and the pattern is simple yet reminds me of a puzzle. I really enjoy your posts but this one was exceptional. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Very lovely finish. Love the colors.

  16. Happy Easter! You do beautiful work. What kind of pen do you use for your labels? The letters are very crisp and clear!! Thank you

    1. Thanks so much! I use a Pigma Micron pen and heat set it with an iron. That makes it permanent!

      :) Kelly

  17. I love the colors you chose for this quilt! I wish I could find pre-cut sets with navy, white, yellow and orange. I'm an adventurous beginner quilter and I really struggle with putting fabrics and colors together for quilting. Great job, great pattern! Thanks for sharing all your hard work!

  18. Oooh...I love the back too! (Can you tell I'm catching up on all of the blogs I follow after Easter break?!) lol

  19. Another spring element is that the blocks look sort of like blossoms! Very cute finish, Kelly


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