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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Big Thanks, an Apology, and Link Up!

First of all, I want to thank everyone who linked up to the very first Needle and Thread Thursday last week!  We had 27 awesome links with lots of great projects going on!  What a great way to kick off the party!  I truly enjoyed browsing through each and every link, and intend to highlight a few at the start of Needle and Thread Thursday each week.  Which reminds me about...

My apology- in creating this week's link party, I accidentally deleted last week's link code, which in turn deleted all of the links on last week's post (so no highlights this week).  :(  It happened Tuesday evening, so the links were up almost the entire week.  After pulling my hair out and gritting my teeth, I did figure out what I did wrong, so I'll be extra sure I don't click that button again in the future.  So all links will remain from now on!  Learning new technology...gotta love it.

As you may have read in my post Tuesday, my aunt and uncle have been in town since Sunday and I have taught my aunt to quilt!  We followed the Beginner Quilt Along tutorial and it was a snap!  Here's a picture of her finished quilt, and you can check out my post HERE for more details and pics.  Isn't it fantastic?  I know she's proud of it, and I was tickled to share my love of quilting with her.

And finally, it's time to link up!  Okay friends, show me what you've got!

A few friendly guidelines-

1.  This is a link party for quilting and sewing.  As a quilter, of course that's my passion, but I won't nit-pick.  If you made it using a needle and thread, it works!

2.  Please remember to link to your actual blog post, not your main blog page, so others don't have to search.

3.  Please post the Needle and Thread Thursday button somewhere on your blog, or include a text link in your post.  Help spread the word!  More links mean more fun for everyone!

4.  Visit plenty of other links, and be generous with your comment love.  :)

5.  Please become a follower of My Quilt Infatuation.  It's not a requirement to link, but I truly appreciate it!
(ps- I love comments too!)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your Aunt's quilt is lovely, you both should be very proud!

  2. Those fabrics are hot and that finished quilt looks fantastic! I bet your aunt is thrilled to have such a lovely first time project. I am sure it won't be her last! You and your beginner quilt along tutorial rock, Kelly!

  3. Congrats on encouraging another quilter, great job on her first quilt too!

  4. Thanks for the link up Kelly! How cool you got to help her with her first quilt. It looks fabulous. Great pattern.

  5. What a lovely thing to do, the quilt looks great I bet your Aunt was thrilled with it. I try and convince people to learn to sew, but it's not happening!

  6. Such a great first project and I love the colors! Thanks also for posting on my blog letting me know about your link up. I'd love to join!

  7. Beautiful quilt. She really picked some lovely fabrics.

  8. This quilt turned out great - love the colors!

  9. Hi Kelly!
    Love your aunt's quilt.. great job to both of you! :) Thanks for inviting me over.. I'm now following you and added you on google+, also added your party to my party tab on my blog. xo


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Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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