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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Quilting Pride and NTT

Whoop whoop!  I am so excited to share that I have finished with all of the quilts for my book, so all of my secret sewing is finished- yay!  I'm a terrible secret keeper, so I'm excited that I now get to share what I'm sewing in its entirety.  Now I just have to write, write, write!  In these last few quilts, I took a little more risk with my quilting and did a couple of designs I have never done before.

This design was so much fun, and pretty easy to move around the space.  It's not exactly a paisley because there are no overlapping stitches, and not really a swirl either, so if anyone knows if this motif has a name, I'm all ears!

As hard as it is to believe, I have never quilted a giant spiral on one of my quilts, and I changed that last week as well.  The spiral is very dense in the center, which I quilted free-motion, and gets wider toward the outside of the quilt.  I used my trusty walking foot for the outer rings.  It has been raining here every day just enough to keep everything damp, so both of these are inside photos.  The spiral backing looks super puffy, but in person, it really isn't.

All in all, I am so proud of myself for branching out with my quilting, and I even enjoyed quilting the top motif as much as I love stippling, so you'll definitely be seeing that one again.  The spiral felt tedious though, so unless the quilt really demands it, I'm not sure I'll do that one again.

Let's get to last week's party highlights!  Love Quilting shared this pretty Storm at Sea quilt-

Anja Quilts shared her fun Modern Sampler quilt-

and Simply, Sarah share this fresh hexie baby quilt-

Okie dokie friends!  I can't wait to see what you've got going on this week in your sewing space!  Party on!

You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. So glad for you to be done with this recent round of secrets! And way to go with branching out on your free motion quilting. Your modified paisley plume (I guess that's what I'd call it) looks great!

  2. Great quilting! The paisley quilting looks like a "clamshell" pattern that I've seen. Sure gives some great texture!

  3. Oh wow, great quilting, I love that top design so much, and I do feel your pain with the circles, once is enough! :)

  4. I'm so excited for your book. I love your style, and can't wait to see the book. I don't compliment you enough, but always enjoy the quilts you share.

    So, maybe you should call that quilting design "All Ears".

    Carole S.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your book on the shelves - how exciting!

  6. Congratulations on your upcoming book!

  7. Congrats on getting your book quilts finished and good luck with the writing. I hope your book does well for you!

  8. Darn if I know the name of that quilting design but I know I've seen it in several of my quilting books. You did a great job with it. So, just curious, about when will your book be hitting the shelves? And, who is publishing it. I know if you are just now getting into the writing part it will be at least a year. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your quilts on here. Keep up the good work.

  9. Can't help you with the name but it the quilting looks great!!

  10. ohhh Great job on the quilting. I love doing spirals but if it is too big of a quilt it gets wavy. Looks like you mastered that with no problem. I would love to try the other quilting you did. It looks sort of like a baptist fan quilting. Anyway great job!

  11. Your mystery quilting design reminds me of what happens when you throw a pebble into a pond or pool...ripples.

  12. Congrats!! I like the first quilting motif at lot. I've done spiral once. Love it, but like you say, it's a lot of work.

  13. Congrats on your book! So excited for you - out of town this week so not linking up but look forward to next week and maybe I will have progress to show

  14. Congratulations on getting all that sewing done. The quilting on both quilts looks great. Good luck with all the writing. That's the part I like the least about making up patterns.


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