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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Needle and Thread Thursday Time!

Happy NTT, y'all!  My secret sewing has been a success, and I am pleased to call this one finished!

If you missed my last post, this one is for my wild thing for Christmas, and it was made entirely in secret.  That's a little bit hard to do around here because he's pretty observant.  Even though the sewing happened while he was at a retreat this weekend and finished while he was at school, every single incriminating scrap had to be thrown away in the outside trash.  He can spot LSU colors from a mile away.

 I pieced the backing with some leftovers, of course, and framed all of the busy pattern with a solid Kona Purple binding.

A snuggle with a quilt is almost as good as a hug from mom (though I still steal those when I can), and it makes my heart happy to know that he will treasure this quilt for years and years to come.

So, before we link up this week, let's check out some of the awesomeness from our last party.  Carole at From My Carolina Home linked up this perfectly pretty Autumn Jubilee table topper-

This lovely is from Myra at Busy Hands Quilts, and it is her brand new pattern, called Castle Dreams.

I love this In the Pink quilt from Kris at Sew Sunshine.

and finally, I cannot help myself this week.  I have to show this improv stunner, called Crown of Orchids by Jess at Quilty Habit.

There is so much fantastic eye candy every single week!  Time to link up your latest projects!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. So glad you finished it! Keeping it a secret is even more of a success. Way to go!

  2. It's a lovely quilt you have made; someone is going to be very happy, well done!!

  3. Super fun! He will certainly cherish it for years to come! Best of luck keeping this gem a secret until Christmas!

  4. Wow! Some amazing quilts here, but I think yours will be the most loved!

  5. Lovely secret finish! He's going to LOVE it! And those features from last week! Oh my! Stunning! Thanks for the linky.

  6. We moved back to our hometown in Ohio last year after living in Baton Rouge for over 17 years and purple and gold really brings back great memories! He's going to love it and Geaux Tigers!!!

  7. Hi Kelly! I'm happy you finished this fantastic quilt in secret! It will be treasured for sure! Thank you again for the party! x Teje

  8. Good job on the sneaky sewing! The quilt looks wonderful!!!

  9. Very sneaky! He's going to be pretty surprised at Christmas. Congrats on the sneaky finish.

  10. Hi Kelly. Nice to be checking in and seeing what you're up to. I've been away from blog reading and writing for too long. Laughed at the notion of you hiding the scraps of fabric but totally understand. Nice finish.

  11. I'd forgotten that you're originally from Louisiana, but this quilt is definitely a reminder. Your son will be thrilled to receive it. I'll echo Kate: Congrats on the sneaky finish.

  12. Congrats! It's so graphic (love the colors) and he will surely love it forever!

  13. I LOVE your LSU quilt!!! And those other quilts are gorgeous! Great job to everyone!


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