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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Lavalier and NTT

Thank you all for your wonderful name suggestions for this pattern.  When I initially designed this quilt, I thought it looked sort of like antique brooches from the Art Deco era, so when a reader mentioned the name Lavalier, I grabbed hold of it, and I couldn't get it out of my mind.  A lavalier is a kind of necklace with a large pendant that was very popular during that time as well, so it's perfect!

Naming quilts is a tricky thing sometimes.  Though I could definitely see jewels, retro TV's, cheval mirrors, and decorative keyholes in this design, I couldn't come up with a pretty name I liked to fit any of those themes.  I truly appreciate all of the creative ideas offered, and a special thanks to Kathy, who suggested the name Lavalier.

I really had a blast choosing fabrics for this quilt.  Slowly but surely, over the past few months, I have amassed another hefty Amy Butler hoard (AB fabric is my kryptonite), and there are fabrics from eight different Amy Butler collections in this quilt- Belle, Daisy Chain, Soul Blossoms, Love, Cameo, Alchemy, Lark, and Hapi (plus some others). I love how the vibrant colors and prints in her collections are all harmonious with each other.

I pieced the backing with leftovers, and also made a scrappy binding, which means that I only have a couple of these prints left in my stash, and just a little of them.  I'm okay with that though.  Using up my stash just means that I can add more to it without guilt!

I am working on the pattern for this one, but it's the last week of summer vacation, and we always make sure summer goes out with a bang, with plenty of fun family activities during this final week before school starts.  So, pattern work is happening around lots of other things.  I already designed the pattern cover though!

Before we get to this week's link up, check out some of my favorites from our last NTT, like this Constant Flux quilt from Kitty at Night Quilter-

or this awesomeness by Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty.  By the way Michelle, I feel you on the lack of summer sewing productivity.  My son is 12 years old now, so it's not as much of an issue, but I remember the days when he was much younger and sewing time was hard to come by.

and I love this cool quilt top by Luna Lovequilts -

Okay, y'all!  Let's link up!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Well this gem of a quilt is certainly on my "must make" list! So wonderful!

  2. A beautiful quilt with a great name and I really love the pieced backing. I am also a huge fan of Amy Butler and seriously need to replenish my AB stash!

  3. I love your new quilt pattern and I love the name!

  4. Very cool name for such a very fun quilt. Naming quilts is almost as hard as finishing one off.

  5. I agree, the name is perfect for the quilt!
    Kelly, enjoy the last bit of summer. It whizzed by this year for sure. School starts in this part of the world on August 17th.... not long from now.
    I am in the midst of a project and next in line is a queen size version of your Courtyard Tiles.... Can't wait to get started on it.

  6. It's a stunning quilt design Kelly ! Thank you so much for featuring my quilt top on this post. I am honoured :-))

  7. Thanks for being my favorite reason to log on in the summer! ;) I love your creations!! (4 Weeks of summer vaca left for me!) Enjoy the rest of your summer~

  8. This is lovely Kelly and I like the name too. I agree it can be hard to finalize a good name. I've been pretty out of touch blog wise this whole summer but did manage to get most fabric cut to make your Courtyard Tiles pattern. I also have my own new pattern that I can't seem to get finished and am having the same naming issue.


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