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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Minimalism, and NTT

Those of you who follow me on Instagram (myquiltinfatuation) know that these past few days have been a bit of an ordeal for me.  While cooking dinner on Saturday night, I completely sliced off the end of one of my fingers (shocking that it wasn't with the rotary cutter, I know).  In true quilter fashion, I managed to take off a clean quarter of an inch, but thankfully, I missed the nail bed and bone entirely.  I have never been so happy to be a nail-biter.  Unfortunately, although the piece was large enough that the ER offered to try to reattach it, it wasn't big enough that the doctor actually thought it would be successful.  I am so thankful that it wasn't more serious, as there are many worse things in life than a misshapen fingertip.  It is still painful (seriously, how can something so small hurt SO much??), but it is manageable;  so now, the biggest annoyance is that my quilting speed has been throttled drastically.

It has taken me several days to put together this quilt top (ps- I promise that it's square, but the ripples from the wind makes it seem otherwise).

This quilt is an exercise in minimalism for me.  Even though most of us can appreciate the design of certain elements of modern quilting, we all have our own style, and minimalism in design has just never been something that I naturally choose to execute in my own quilts.  Another first for me, is the use of all solids.  Can you believe that I've never made a quilt entirely from solid fabrics?  I always love the look of all solid quilts, but when I start to pull fabrics for a new project, all of the delectable prints just call my name.

I used ten different shades of Kona to create a rainbow.  The pattern is my own Girl's Best Friend pattern, and I just made ten blocks.  The background gray is a Cloud 9 shot cotton called Shadow, and I love how it adds just a little bit of dimension against all of those solid fabrics (I still count it as solid though!).

Branching out on this quilt has really been a lot of fun.  The task of basting is before me today, and I must admit that I'm a little apprehensive about having pointy things near the tip of my finger.  We'll see how it goes...

So, last week's party had some amazing linkups, and believe me, I was grateful for the distraction while sitting in the ER on Saturday night.  Here are some of the ones that really caught my eye!

Seriously, I Think It Needs Stitches linked up this gorgeous Jane's Cross quilt.

This Modern Plus quilt from Beech Tree Lane is super cool!

and Oh. My. Goodness.  This scrappy hexie quilt, by Maryse Makes Things is a masterpiece.
(ps Maryse- I just knew this one was yours as soon as I saw the thumbnail!)

Okay, friends!  It's time to link up your latest bits of awesomeness this week!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

*If you're new to the party, here's a helpful tip for linking up- select "Auto Crop"  when selecting your thumbnail photo.  For some reason, trying to crop your own image results in the dreaded "white question mark box," and we definitely want to see your awesome work!  :)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I have sliced a finger pretty darn deep with a knife before but never took the tip off - I know that must be very sore - hope it will heal quickly

  2. Your quilt is amazing!
    My nephew cut the tip of his finger off about 10 years ago. The fingernail bed has now grown curved around the fingertip. Hopefully yours will be better than that.

  3. Love your minimalist quilt! Sorry about the finger, my worst cuts are from the kitchen too :)

  4. Hoping your finger is better. I think I've written the same words about prints and solids at one time or another. Until I made my first quilt for QuiltCon 2013 I hadn't made an all solid quilt either. My go to is usually the big prints like Amy Butler and Kaffe. One reason why I like your quilts so much.

  5. I'm so sorry about your finger. I gave myself an unintended 'manicure' with my chef's knife once while someone distracted me. Sending you quick healing thoughts.

  6. Oh Kelly, I hope your finger will be fine soon! Very greepy thought to imagine the moment you cut it. Long time ago I cut piece of my thumb and it was painful. Hand quilting would be out of the question but I hope you can sew with machine. Your new quilt top is fantastic! I'm the smae with you and use always lots of prints and patterns. I should also challenge myslef to make something minimalism. x Teje

  7. Dearest Kelly! OUCH!!! So, so sorry to hear about this. I can't even imagine how bad that hurts! And then having to endure the ER on a Saturday night! No fun! I sure hope your finger heals and you are pain-free soon. Your minimalist quilt is BEAUTIFUL! Just so striking! Love it! Take care!

  8. Sorry to hear about your finger! I had a too close encounter with a chef's knife many years ago too - mine wasn't the tip but a nice chunk out of the side of my finger. Your experiment with minimalism is fantastic!

  9. Oh ouch! I can believe that will be sore for a long time and everything you grab or stitch will remind you. I hope you heal quickly. Your minimalist quilt is really pretty. I don't normally choose minimalist either but I love the look of it and find it hard to achieve because of the space that needs quilting and I am not very good at quilting it but I try. :)

  10. I about fainted when I read your finger story...I totally can relate! I nearly sliced my thumb off with a utility blade last year. Not pretty and hurt like hell! For your first go around with solids...You NAILED it! This is really gorgeous! Good luck basting!

  11. Rotary cutter accident...yikes! I hope your finger heals quickly. I worry about taking off a toe. I'm notorious for leaving the blade out and one of these days I'm going to knock it into the floor. I really shouldn't be allowed to have sharp objects. Love how your experiment with minimalism is turning out. Love those rainbow colors against the dark gray background. I say it's time to recruit some help with the basting.

  12. YIKES! Darn knives...yet another reason to avoid the kitchen! LOL! Love this quilt! How was the shot cotton to work with? I've been tempted to sew with it for a while now, but for some reason it just feels different, maybe it's me? Thanks for sharing, hope you heal quickly!

  13. Yikes!! I am so sorry!! I hope the finger heals very quickly. I can't believe you actually managed to make that pretty quilt top through all that pain. Take care!!


  14. Yowza! That must have hurt! My husband is FOREVER scolding me for my knife "skills", or lack there of. I'll try to be a good girl and learn from your lesson. Do yourself a favor and be extra kind to yourself while you're healing. We tend to push things and then end up needing extra time to heal properly. I'd hate for that to happen to you. Speedy recovery!!

  15. Geesha oooh you made me cringe! I hope you heal soon-we quilters can't be kept down long though!!

  16. Oh. My. Gosh!!!! I'm so glad to hear it wasn't any worse than it was. I have had a few close calls with sharp objects and it's no laughing matter. I adore your Girl's Best Friend quilt - the shades you chose make it such a happy quilt.

  17. Oh crikey Kelly, you poor thing! What a horrible fright! I hope your finger heals well. Have you got a thimble that is comfortable to wear to protect your finger when sewing?

    Last month my husband sliced two fingertips with his planer. Blood everywhere. Fortunately neither was sliced right off, so he managed to fasten both flaps of skin down himself with paper stitches, and we went to get proper dressings done at the hospital two days later. The cuts are nearly fully healed already.

    Love, Muv

  18. Oh ouch! Hope the pain is starting to go away. In spite of all that, you managed to make that gorgeous quilt top! The design with the solids is beautiful, and I hope you'll be writing up the pattern!

  19. Hope you're okay! I think the resulting quilt is brilliant - definitely write the pattern!

  20. I LOVE your minimalism quilt Kelly! And that block is really cool! And the modern plus and scrappy hexies are yummy too! Thanks for featuring my Janes Cross! Hope you are healing well after your trip to the ER, Yikes!

  21. Thanks for hosting this link-up and sharing some great quilts in this post.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  22. It always makes my heart skip a beat when I see one of my quilts up here, thank you for featuring my work again!

  23. Having done this to myself twice (you'd have thought I'd have learned something the first time!), I can truly sympathize with you. It hurts and does take a long time to heal. There's a special kind of bandage thing you can get at Walgreen's that rolls over your finger tip that protects it from water. I think it's called a finger cot and it helps. Good luck and feel better soon.

    1. You are so right. I just hope I never have to experience this again. I have some of those tube bandages and they are really a godsend. I have the waterproof kind, as well as the regular gauze kind, and they are perfect! Thank you so much!

      :) Kelly

  24. Hi Kelli, I just linked a giveaway post, let me know if giveaways aren't allowed and feel free to take it down if not. And I still love looking at your minimalism quilt. I love bright colors!

  25. Oh goodness, Kelly! I hope you're feeling better and not in too much pain. I like the rainbow solids. I've been accumulating a lot of solid colored fabrics since I, too, love the look of solid color quilts, but haven't made one yet. One of these days.

  26. Oh, I am so sorry about your finger. I hope it stops hurting soon. It's always the smallest sized injuries that hurt the worst I swear.

  27. My husband crushed the tip of his middle finger a few years back. They tried to reattach it, but it died and turned black. Eventually it fell of like a big scab. So I understand your pain and concern. The state has now marked him as "5% disabled on the middle finger of your right hand". It is so funny, but not at the same time. We are just so happy that the accident didn't hurt him more. Your quilt is wonderful!!


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