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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Needle and Thread Thursday!

Welcome to NTT, friends!  I've been working on a new quilt using a really cute and fun fabric line, but I can't show it to you just yet.  This week, My Quilt Infatuation is party-central!  I am also hosting TGIFF this week, and I want to show you my quilt top finish at the party that's just for finishes!  So, you'll see it Friday!

What I can show you are the pieces for another quilt I've started.  I am making another Pop Star quilt in twin size.  My aunt is redecorating a bedroom in her house for her granddaughters when they are there, and she loved the Pop Star pattern.  The bedroom already has a rich shade of purple on the walls, so she wanted colors that were similar to the original.  I substituted the orange in my original quilt for yellow, and I think it is going to look just as pretty.  I started cutting into my fabrics for this quilt before getting a lovely stacked fabric shot, so you'll have to settle for an in-process photo of my paper plate block sort.

This is my favorite method for keeping all of the pieces for one block together.  I got the idea a long while ago from Megan at Tales of Ineptitude.  It also helps me pair fabrics together easily and see if a fabric or two needs to be switched around.  Once everything is all sorted, I can just stack the plates up and know that my cut pieces are exactly where I need them once I start sewing.  The plates can be easily stacked on a shelf if I'm working on something different, and of course, they can be used again and again, so it's also a cost effective way to keep things organized.  What about you?  How do you sort and keep your block pieces together?

Okie dokie!  Let's get to the amazing highlights from last week...and boy there were some beauties!  Leanne at Devoted Quilter shared this gorgeous rainbow round robin quilt.

Diana from Red Delicious Life shared this fun pink and gray top for her niece.

And finally, after months of hard work, Maryse from Maryse Makes Things finally finished her clamshell quilt.  Isn't it stunning?

Y'all are such a source of inspiration for me week after week!  One of my favorite parts of the day is laying in bed at night with my iPad, browsing through all of the links just before going to sleep.  I can't wait to see the amazing things you have going on this week!  Let's link up!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

Don't forget to come back with your finishes on Friday for TGIFF!  I'll be showing off my latest finished quilt top then!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I typically use Ziplock bags for parts of my quilt projects. Love the colors you are using for your Aunt's quilt.

  2. Thanks for the paper plate tip! I've used them for block layout before I made design boards, but I like your idea of using them to keep track of cut pieces.

  3. I use ziploc baggies if I'm going to a sew-in but the plates are genius when sewing at home.

  4. You look really really organized with all those color filled plates.

  5. I'm so glad you posted Maryse's finished clam shell quilt! I missed it last week and it's GORGEOUS! I've always wanted to do one of those.

  6. Okay, love the plates! Easily stackable and no bags to fiddle with when you're ready. Of course one assumes that a cat won't try and mess with the towering stack of plates (that would happen to me, I just know it).

  7. Hey Kelly! I'm glad you like the plates! I'm excited to see your new Pop Star quilt! :-)


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