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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Snowballs for a Nursery

I finally finished putting my snowball quilt top together last night and I am so happy with how it turned out.  I wanted to do something a little different from a traditional snowball quilt, so I just started sketching and this is what I came up with.

I used three different sizes of snowballs- 12 inch, 8 inch, and 4 inch, and constructed the quilt in sections.  I like the way the snowballs "float" across the quilt, making it difficult to see where the sections are.  I think when it is quilted the illusion will be even cooler, that's what I'm hoping for anyway.

This quilt is destined for a twin bed that is part of a sweet nursery, all decorated in shades of pink and gray.  I can't wait to finish it!


  1. I LOVE your snowball quilt! Might give it a try myself. Love the different sizes.

  2. Can't wait to see this finished. It's great!

  3. LOVE! Changing the block scale is such a fun way to make a quilt... :)

  4. Hi Kelly! This is really GOOD! Fantastic design with snoballs and the colours are beautiful! x Teje

  5. I love snowball quilt, but to use three different sizes is a very cool idea!!!
    So beautiful!
    Best regards from Germany,

  6. I think your design has turned out awesome. The different sized snowball blocks work perfectly scattered across the quilt.

  7. It looks fabulous, what a great idea to use different size of snowballs. I really like this one Kelly!

  8. Your design is great! What a neat idea.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Fascinating! Shapes and colors so well balanced. Could you post your sketch, showing the sections?

  11. I just love this it is so so sweet. That little girl is going to love it!

  12. absolutely charming! Great design and lovely fabric choices.

  13. So cute, nicely planned with large and small, placement gives a lot of movement to the eye. Great job!

  14. I love this. Is there any chance you are going to do a pattern or show how to do the block. I would love to make this as a baby quilt.

  15. Love it! Hoping for a tutorial or a pattern!

  16. Absolutely adorable!!! I love the large, medium and small snowballs - looks fabulous!!!

  17. Awesome idea. Love the floating snowballs and color scheme. Tutorial please.

  18. LOVE this design!!! Your color scheme is spot on! I hope you do a pattern or a tutorial, I for one would love that!

  19. I love it! The usual snowball quilts are too staid for me, but version is great! I invite you to link to WIPs Be Gone to show off your great version. Thanks for sharing, Kelly!

  20. Love this design and it'll be perfect as a twin quilt. Just lovely and a beautiful quilt.

  21. This quilt is amazing. I love it. I would love to see a tutorial also on making this quilt. Thanks for sharing the picture.

  22. Very clever! I look forward to seeing how it finishes up!

  23. Very nice! Love the design and love the soft pink with the grey. Very different and fresh for a sweet little girl. Love it!

  24. Such a great pattern. So different than anything else I have seen. Are you going to be selling this pattern?

  25. Love the randomness of the snowballs and I'm a huge fan of anything paired with gray. Even though it's for a nursery, I think it's a quilt that can grown with the child through the grade school years as well. Girly, but not childish. Love it!

  26. Very nice Kelly. I'm sure it will be loved ; )

  27. This is so beautiful! Do you know what color you are going to bind it with? I think that dark gray would look awesome! Gorgeous finish :)

  28. So cute and very different, great job. Looking forward to seeing the quilting.

  29. Love the layout, it looks great.

  30. This is such a cute quilt! The different block sizes and your fabric choices add a great deal of interest to such a traditional block design.

  31. That is gorgeous! Please consider making a pattern or doing a tutorial :-)

  32. Turned out awesome. love your color choices and neat layout. Micki@

  33. How did I miss this bundle of cuteness? So simple and so beautiful. It is gorgeous!!!


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