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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Fresh Finish

I finished my Fresh Stacks quilt on Saturday evening, just in time for my quilt guild meeting on Sunday, and I love how it turned out!

When I posted the photo of the finished top, a reader pointed out all of the different designers represented.  Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, Pat Bravo, Denyse Schmidt, Kate Spain are all there, plus some.  I didn't even consider that when I pulled the fabrics for this quilt, but I think the way they all play together is lots of fun!

I used up all of the scraps on the back and found this navy and teal tile print for the backing.  I love how the darker fabric makes the apple green and yellow pop.

Blues and greens are some of my favorite colors to work with, so I really enjoyed making this one.  This quilt measures 64 x 80" so it's either a really large throw, or a small twin size.

I have my fabric pulled, and a plan all sketched out for my next quilt and pattern, and I can't wait to get started!


  1. love your pieced back - goes so nicely with the front! Very cool quilt!

  2. Looks great! I am always impressed by quilters who can pull from all different designers and their various lines to make quilts. Well done!

  3. It looks fantastic - I love the colors you pulled!

  4. This is so bright and cheerful! Love it! I've been looking at quilts done using this pattern. I really love the "stacked" look! I'm going to try this one soon!

  5. They do play well together in this quilt. I love the 3-D effect.

  6. Awesome!!! I was just sketching out a stack quilt using some cotton and steel. Your quilt has motivated me to get to it. :)

  7. That is wonderful! I love the way your backing fits the front so well! You did a great job pulling the fabrics!

  8. Beautiful. Just love your ability with colour and your energy which comes through in your quilting..

  9. Those fabrics look so good together they could be a single fabric line. Super quilt.

  10. this is really stunning and I love the back!

  11. Love this one and I'm not even into blues.

  12. Very cool quilt and the back is just as interesting!!!

  13. I love this! It's got some of my very favorite colors. What a fun quilt.

  14. So pretty! The blues are so nice and cool!

  15. What a beautiful quilt and a quick finish. Just lovely Kelly, thanks for sharing.

  16. It is gorgeous! The colors are all amazing together! I keep looking at it!!

  17. Blues are not my favorite, but this is astoundingly pretty! You've got a good eye for fabric. Love it!

  18. Kelly you did an amazing job combining fabrics - they could be set up as a multi-designer fabric line. Another wonderful and cheery quilt! Hooray!

  19. Blue and green is a favourite combo too. It's gorgeous. Is this your own pattern?

  20. Love these colors together and your quilt too. Both sides are so eye catching!

  21. I love the colors in this one and all of the fabric lines really worked well together. Beautiful finish and this pattern is now officially on my list of ones to make (someday!).

  22. There's nothing like a show-and-tell at an upcoming guild meeting to get us to our machines and finishing projects up! I'm often motivated the same way. I love the soothing and serene palette here. I just bought a charm pack of Kate Spain's Horizon, so I'm playing with some of the same selections. : )

  23. Love this, the colors are wonderful!

  24. I love the clear, clean and bright colours you have used. The intriguing design has lots of floating shapes giving it depth. Well done!

  25. I like this a lot, so modern, and has your style of design. It just looks like a Kelly quilt!

  26. Dear Kelly!
    I love the colors! Such another great Quilt!
    Mrs Patch

  27. I love the colors!! The back is great! Whose the designer? Makes me want to work on my stacked squares.

  28. This is georgeous! Do you have the pattern available for sale?

    1. Thank you! This is actually a free Moda Bake Shop pattern, called Stacked Squares. I just modified the dimensions a little bit to use fat quarters, rather than precuts.

      :) Kelly


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