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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Giveaway Winners and Needle and Thread Thursday

Hooray!  It's time to announce the winners of my pattern giveaway!  There were 183 comments on my new pattern Paper Doll Dress-Up!  I'm thrilled to know that so many like it.  It was lots of fun to create, and I'm looking forward to see the pattern pop up around the web in different colors!

*By the way, someday, someone is going to have to tell me how to copy and paste the number generator box.  It always looks blank when I try to do it!

The first winner is comment number 48.  Congrats to Paul Burega!

not sure what colors, maybe pink and purple.

paulburega at gmail dot com

The second winner is comment number 63, Charlotte!
Love the pattern and the fabric too! I think Id like to showcase some 30's fabrics I a quilt like this. Maybe some soft lavender and orange. Thanks

And the final pattern winner is comment number 43, Barb N!
Congrats on getting your first pattern published! It's great! I'm into teals and aquas and blues with a splash of salmon.

Thank you all so much for entering, and for all of the heartwarming comments on my pattern!  If you didn't win it, don't forget that you can purchase it from my Craftsy Shop or my Etsy Shop!

I'm so happy to get back to Needle and Thread Thursday after last week's break.  After spending all weekend creating my new sewing studio, I couldn't wait to actually get to use it!  I finished up the blocks for this quilt last Thursday, but with all of the disarray of painting and furniture moving, I had to put them aside.  Then, I stitched the blocks together the other night.

Let me start out by saying that I really do like the way this quilt looks as a whole.  The recipient of this one loved my Sand and Sea Glass quilt and wanted similar beachy colors in this one.  I definitely think I achieved the intended style.  

Now that I've said that, let me also say that this quilt was not the most enjoyable quilting experience.  As pretty as the entire quilt is all together, I got a little bit tired of looking at all of the shades of beige and tan, and since this quilt is so big (80x100"), there was a LOT of it to look at!  As pretty as it is, I will be glad to have this quilt finished.  

Since NTT took a break last week, let's get right to the party, shall we?  

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

**Please remember to be sure your post includes a project.  I would appreciate it if you would not link to giveaways or other parties unless your post also includes a project you're working on.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Try using the "prtscn" (print screen) button and paste it into paint and crop the little random # box. :) You've been busy! Loving the beach-y colors of this quilt.

  2. Hi Kelly! Your new quilt is going to be beautiful! Great pattern and lovely colours from the seaside beach! x Teje

  3. I love those beachy colours and the subdued fabrics! It will be such a beautiful quilt when you get it finished.

  4. Kelly - I'm thanking Mr. Random Generator for pulling my number! This will be a fun quilt to make one day.

  5. The beach color quilt really works! And it is huge! Have fun quilting it! And thanks for your question about how to get the random number result to appear on the blog as I have the same problem!

  6. Hi Kelly. How exciting to have a new studio. Glad you're back this week. So much eye candy to see.

  7. I really like the summery beach colours on this one :)


  8. Congratulations on you new pattern Kelly and to the winners. Wishing you every success with it! Love the quilt! As always, many thanks for hosting the linky party. Have a great weekend. Marie x (

  9. I like the design of your quilt, but I can imagine that sewing such a lot of blocks becomes rather tedious. But then beaches tend to be tedious places. Perhaps you could add some lime green and orange swimwear!? But maybe not.

  10. It's funny how you can like and dislike something at the same time. It is very pretty, I love the flow of the colors, but can see how it would run together when quilting. I'm sure your friend will be beyond thrilled by it.

  11. Love those beachy colors! I am sure she is going to love it! Just wanted to let you know your quilt was featured on the Fort Worth Fabric Studio blog today! :) I hope you have a lovely weekend!



PLEASE NOTE- I monitor comments closely, and spam comments will be deleted. This includes comments with links of any kind.

Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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