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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Needle and Thread Thursday!

Welcome to another Thursday, y'all!  I'm feeling pretty excited this week, because I'm working on blocks that are lots of fun to make with fabrics that I just adore.  Remember this little bundle?

Well, I'm working away on turning those into these Purse Strings blocks.  I only have ten done so far, but I have an evening of sewing time ahead and hope to have the top finished up before the weekend.

If you missed my tutorial for these blocks, you can find it HERE!  I finished another project using these blocks (just a little one), but I can't share it with you for awhile.  I'm horrible at secret-keeping and knew that I wanted to share the block, even if I couldn't share that particular project, which is why I immediately poured myself into making a project that I could write about!

Without further ado, take a look at some of the fabulousness that was linked up last Thursday!

**As a courtesy to these bloggers, if you want to pin the images I'm featuring, please use the links and pin from the original source.  Thanks a bunch!

Cynthia shared this beautiful Star Surround quilt, and I love the shades of purple!

I love postage stamp quilts, and Adrienne @ Chezzetcook Quilts shared her progress on this beauty!

And Snips Snippets shared this fantastic Star Dresden pillow!

I can't wait to see what's going on this week!

Here are the party rules.  You know the drill!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post to make it easier for others.
3. Spread the word and post my button or a text link.  Please find my new button on my sidebar!
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

**And once again, as a courtesy to these bloggers, if you want to pin one of the fabulous projects linked, please click on the thumbnail to go to the original source and pin from there!  Thanks!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your purse strings blocks are super cute :)

  2. Kelly, what line of fabric is that you used for purse strings....I just love it! Can see why you are's adorable!!!

  3. Kelly, what line of fabric is that you used for purse strings....I just love it! Can see why you are's adorable!!!

  4. I really like your purse strings blocks! Thanks for the tutorial!! The fabrics just set it perfectly.

  5. LOVING your purse string blocks! I am a big fan of pink and orange together!

  6. Again, such fun little blocks! Thanks for the tutorial! It's quickly moving to the top of my to do sewing list! haha Thanks for hosting!

  7. Hi! Your sunny fabrics are most beautiful and wonderful blocks, too!

  8. Love these happy looking blocks... great fabric choices!

  9. Loving those Purse Strings blocks. Love. Love.

  10. Those Purse String blocks are looking great!

  11. Great blocks! You sure do work fast. I'm doing well to have one finished block to share this week!

    1. Kelly, I just wanted to let you know you came up as a no-reply blogger on my blog today. Have you changed something? Thanks for stopping by, and for hosting.

  12. I absolutely love your fabric selection and that block of yours!

  13. Those are looking lovely, Kelly! Can't wait to see how they all look together. Hope to cut my Chevron fabric this weekend:) Thanks for the linky.

  14. Love your blocks Kelly! They really create a great pattern.

    And thanks for featuring my Star Surround. I appreciate it! Sorry I didn't get my act together to link something this week. I am missing the party!

  15. Love your blocks, Kelly! And the fabrics, so yummy!

  16. Love Purse came together beautifully. Thank you so much for hosting NTT. It brings love of fun and beautiful work to look at. Have a great weekend. Marie

  17. Kelly your top looks as great as I was expecting it to be when I saw your first Purse String block.
    I do love it !!!

  18. Thanks for sharing my pillow Kelly! And i'm loving your purse strings!


PLEASE NOTE- I monitor comments closely, and spam comments will be deleted. This includes comments with links of any kind.

Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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