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Friday, July 26, 2013

One Last Summer Hurrah

Well y'all, I have to head back to school on Monday, so I've been working like mad on my Disappearing Four Patch quilt top.  I used the tutorial at Material Girl Quilts, and Amanda explains it beautifully with great pics.  The only thing I did differently, was start with six inch blocks for my four patches, rather than charm squares.  In retrospect, for such a large quilt, I may have gone even bigger.  The D4P blocks finish at 10 inches in the quilt.

*how did I not notice that this picture is blurry???  The thing is so huge that I am not taking it back outside with all of the dew still on the grass!

Let me just say this- although this pattern is not difficult, I did find it time consuming.  I guess any pattern that requires double cutting, double pressing, and double sewing probably would be.  Of course, it doesn't help that the quilt I'm making is a monstrous 80 x 100 inches.  It's a beast!

I decided to pull out my 40 FQ bundle of April Cornell Spring Magic fabrics that I've had for over three  years (since before my wrist injury).   I have to admit- I still really like these fabrics.  Even though they are florals, the colors are really vibrant and drool-worthy for any girly girl.

There was one thing I wish I had done in this quilt top, which is to trim my blocks to size.  I really don't know what I was thinking by not doing that, I think I was just overzealous to get the top done.  I just pressed them, laid them out, and started sewing them together.  That really jumped up and bit me in the behind when joining my rows.  Some of the seams didn't match perfectly, and at that point, there really wasn't a darn thing I could do.  Hopefully, the pattern is busy enough that it won't be too noticeable, and quilting will help too.

This quilt needs a great name- sooner rather than later since my label goes on right after basting but before quilting!  The fabrics remind me of English chintz dinnerware, so I was thinking of something along the lines of "Afternoon Tea Time," or "Rose Cottage," but I'm not really sold on either of those.  I love the word "garden" but I've used it in two quilt names already, so I'm trying to stay away from it.

If you have a great name idea (or even if you don't!), leave me a comment!


  1. I don't have any name ideas but just wanted to comment to say I think it is a beautiful quilt.

  2. This one is just glorious Kelly, and the patterns definitely mask the rows not lining up. Until you actually posted the close up i didn't see anything wrong at all. It's fantastic! and definitely girly, girl!
    I wish i could help with the naming... but my quilt naming is dismal at best!

  3. How about something to do with a field of flowers? Or maybe an English garden with all the tailored rows? It's very pretty! The seams not matching up will only ever be noticed by you! I learn a new lesson with every quilt I make. I'll never forget the quilt that made me realize my machine was sewing a 3/8 inch seam instead of a 1/4 inch...

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! I do like Field of Flowers. That is one I will seriously consider! I'm so glad you visited!

      :) Kelly

  4. You are the craziest, fastest, mad skills quilter ever! I just can't keep up with you girl. You make my head spin! This quilt is stunning! I love how different all the quilts are that you've finished lately! This one definitely has an English Cottage Garden vibe to it.....I like both names! Keep up the amazing quilting, I love stopping by and seeing what you're up to! XO, :)

  5. Call it: Last Summer Hurrah! It will always remind you that beautiful doesn't mean perfect!!! I love that you didn't go the path of perfectionism and just went with the flow of putting it together.


  6. Beautiful! I think either of the names you chose are very appropriate (though I favor 'tea time' just a bit more simply because I love a good cup of tea!)

  7. Lovely, pink and green has always been one of my favorite color schemes! I'm going to miss your quilt-a-week style when you go back to school next week. Could you do something with "disappearing" and "spring magic"? Though I don't know what, so I am basically no help. ;)

  8. Wow this is lovely Kelly! I really like the your Rose Cottage name. Or maybe Rose lattice? Good luck on finishing it up. That is one giant quilt, I can't wait to see what you do with the quilting.

  9. This is so gorgeous! Don't worry one bit about the mismatches - nobody's going to see them. :D I do really like a name like Afternoon Tea. Tea Time in the Roses? Garden Tea Delight? hmm. . . My brain is not fully awake yet! Glad you shared this one!

  10. Looks great Kelly! I love it with all prints! Rose Cottage seems to fit best to me, but all of the suggested names sound great.

  11. Looks great! I have this block planned for a baby quilt! It looks great in a big quilt too. I am no good at naming quilts or labeling them. I should really get on that!

  12. Very cute finish. I love it. I like Rose Cottage too, or English tea time.

    1. By the way it actually reminds me of the English rose dinner set...

  13. Really cute quilt.... what about English Chintz or Chintzy Tea Time or Chintzy English Rose Garden , I'm sure you'll think of a good name for it.

  14. love the floral, it really is refreshing with all the solid quilts that are out there, i'm working on a disappearing 9 patch, i'll keep in mind to trim to size, thanks :)

  15. Gorgeous, love it, fab finish to your summer hols :)

  16. 'Bright Summer Fun'

    There is a name for you! I like your top - it is nice a happy and fun! And now that it is done, (almost!!) it is a good feeling!
    And thanks for pattern link. It is fun to see what you can do with the blks we make! Unexpected surprises!! Enjoy the rest of this project - and have fun at school!!!

  17. Hi Kelly!
    Your quilttop is like a "Glorious Summer Medow"
    Thanks for showing it!
    It makes me wanna look for my old flowerfabrics.

  18. This is so pretty. I have a large yellow rose bush next to my green front door, and if I'm lucky, some pink anemones should appear in a few weeks. This really is an English Garden quilt!

  19. I love your quilt and I love just about everything April Cornell does. Not to worry about the mismatched seams. I'm sure it's not as bad as you think and the quilting will help a lot. Plus, it'll be a beautiful, useful quilt whether it's perfect or not.

  20. What about Tea Cups and Roses or Afternoon Rose? It seems like just a few weeks ago summer started, you have definitely made the most of it:) Some great quilts. I have yet to make any of these disappearing patterns because I have a hard time sewing a block and cutting it up, lol. But they do look fabulous.

  21. Your quilt looks amazing! I love the colours. I don't really have a name to suggest, but I love Tea Cups and Roses that was suggested. :-)

  22. How about 'beyond the garden gate'? It is beautiful! The colors are WONDERFUL!

  23. The quilt is beautiful. I love this layout of the disappearing nine patch. I may try another one now!

  24. Gorgeous the colours. Marie

  25. I knew I would not have to wait long to see your latest top. And she is one big beauty! Hmmm... Spring Magic fabric... Disappearing 9 Patch... School's back and Summer's disappearing, too.... How about 'Summer Enchantment' or 'Before Summer's End'? Have a great weekend, Kelly! Hope Monday is lots of fun!


  26. Love your quilt! I just made 2 quilts with this pattern. It goes together fast. My next one will be in florals since you have inspired me.

  27. How about " Spring kisses"?
    I love the fabric combinations and the colours are adorable!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  28. Your disappering four patch quilttop is so Beautiful!!I love the summer quilt!!!Hug Bambi

  29. Name idea :Lemonade and Roses.

    So pretty and happy!

  30. It's gorgeous kelly no matter what you name it! I like "Late Summer Hurrah" and
    "Midsummer Garden" although I keep thinking "Kensington Square" why I have no idea! lol... Like i said it is beautiful no matter what you name it. And I hope you joy starting back to school! Have fun! :)

  31. I love to make D4P blocks. Your quilt is beautiful.

  32. How about "Tea Rose"? Whatever you name it, it's awfully pretty! Whoop whoop for a great finish!!

  33. Your quilt looks lovely, and no-one will notice the mis-matches when they are snuggling under it :)

  34. I like the name Summer Sorbet. Beautiful quilt!

  35. so pretty!! pattern and fabric are amazing!!

  36. Your quilt top is gorgeous!!! Eye candy!!!! And you're right about the busy pattern and quilting because I never would've noticed that the blocks were crooked! Isn't it great!

  37. Beautiful! Hmm, a name... you have lots of great suggestions. I also like something along the lines of "Disappearing Summer" or "Climbing Roses" or "Disappearing Roses"... or really, some of the earlier suggestions may be a better fit. Anyway, great work!

  38. Love the colours! And it's massive!How are you going to quilt it?

    1. Thank you Jenni! I'm so glad you like it. You're right- it is massive! It's such a busy pattern/fabric line that I'm planning to quilt with a simple meandering. Thanks for visiting.

      :) Kelly
      ps- I'm responding here since you're a no-reply blogger!

  39. Just can't say how beautiful this is! It's simply perfect with all of it's flowers and colors!

    Well done! Blossom Burst is my contribution to the mix!

  40. This quilt is truly delightful :) Well done.

  41. I like how the larger sized blocks are proportionate because it is such a beast. Seems clever to work the word disappearing into the title but thinking of summer ending sounds sad so I'm going with "Enchanted Meadow". It's beautiful

  42. Very pretty and I love the fabrics, too. I don't see any problems with the seams. I don't name my quilts often myself!

  43. Flower Patch or Patches of Flowers

  44. Your quilt is just gorgeous. I love the fabrics that you used. You did a wonderful job.

  45. A quilt like that doesn't need matchy seems..... it's GORGEOUS! I love love love it. That little bit of aqua is just making me melt. No name suggestions-- just compliments! :)

  46. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one to make boo boos on their quilts. I personally didn't even see it and I love love your quilt. If I have to use my fabric the year I buy it, I'm in some big trouble...Keep on quilting, Tessa


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