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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Raspberry Limeade Chevron Quilt

Chevrons are everywhere these days, and with good reason- they are so cute!  Well, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and finally make a chevron quilt.  I pulled fabrics from a few lines, including Art Gallery Poetica and Michael Miller Secret Garden.  I'm not usually a pink person, but I managed to find these fabrics on clearance, and I'm surprised at how much I actually like the way the top came out.

One reason that I haven't made a chevron quilt before now is my complete aversion to HST's.  All of the tracing lines and trimming up provides just enough annoyance that I have avoided certain patterns that use lots of them.  However, I have to say that using the HST tutorial at That Girl...That Quilt made these a snap.  I used the first method shown, which creates four HST's from two larger squares.  To determine the correct size of my two beginning squares, I used the HST Math Chart at Blossom Heart Quilts-  and they were perfect!  I'll never make HST's another way again!    

I will say this though, if you use this method, spray the heck out of your blocks with spray starch to add some stability to those bias edges, and press very carefully!  I did both of these things and I didn't have a bit of trouble though.  So, it was well worth that tiny bit of care.

I'm planning to back it in a lime colored fabric with white polka dots, and bind in that great raspberry color!  Can't wait to get it quilted!


  1. I love chevron quilts and that is my favorite way to make HST. Your quilt is very pretty!!

  2. My first quilt was HST's and I'll need a bit of time to get over the trauma (it was only Dec '12)! But that chevron quilt is lovely, the colours work so well together - it looks so cozy! I think I need to investigate the other methods of HSTs....

  3. This is so cute! I made one last year in pink and white and loved it! I usually am not a fan either all that trimming! I have an accuquilt die for them though and that made no trimming at all, LOVE!

  4. I LOVE HST no matter how you make them! The only reason I've never done a chevron is because you have to make sure you have plenty of each fabric before you start, not my strong point, LOL!
    This is fabulous!

  5. I love these colours (I am a pink girl!) and Raspberry Limeade is a great name. Thanks for the alternative HST tip, I'm going to try it out :)

  6. Your quilt is so pretty. Like Glinda...Im a total pink girl. Love it

    Phoebe x

  7. Lovely chevron quilt! Great fabrics!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  8. The combo of the pink and green really set the whole thing off! I like it, a lot...


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