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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Courtyard Tiles and NTT!

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday!  I am so humbled by the fantastic response I received about this quilt in my last post!  I'm delighted that it has been so well received, and I'm excited that I can share the finish today!  I finished the binding after school today, then rushed to our neighborhood park to get some quick pics before the sun went down.  That is happening so much earlier these days.

I could not be happier with the way this quilt turned out.  I love it so much and can't wait to share the pattern!  I even started working out the math last night, before the quilt was finished!

I used the rest of my Amy Butler fabric on the backing.  Wide, WOF stripes are great for using up leftover fabric, and I think it's even better when the widths are varied.

I used the same teal binding that I used on my Jeweled quilt, because I think it works so well with these fabrics.  Amy Butler fabrics are so rich in color that I have had trouble finding just the right binding in the past.

I'm working like mad to get this pattern finished, so be on the lookout!  I'm calling both the quilt and the upcoming pattern Courtyard Tiles, and I hope to have it finished this weekend!

Now, it's time to announce the winners from the three giveaways!  A whopping 229 commenters entered the giveaways- WOW!

First up, the winner of my Amy Butler scraps (which is actually quite a bit of fabric), is comment number 170, Addie Polston!

Love the colors! Hope I win!! Love your blog too!!

Next, the winner of the four Amy Butler fat quarters is comment number 98, TS Quilter!

Beautiful quilt and I too love the pattern. 

and finally, the winner of the $25 gift certificate from Southern Fabric is comment number 186, Dixie!

Love the quilt - very nicely done!! and Amy Butler fabrics always gorgeous!!! Very inspirational~~

Congratulations to all three of you!  I'll be contacting you soon to get your information so that you can get your goodies!

Okay!  Let's take a look at some of the fantastic projects that caught my eye from last week's party!

Cynthia from Quilting is More Fun Than Housework shared this scrappy, fun quilt.  If you've never checked out Cynthia's blog, she is a master at using scraps!

Sue Daurio's Quilting Adventure linked up this fun quilt.  I know it is a team-inspired quilt, but with Halloween right around the corner, this one just makes me smile!

and Katie Mae Quilts showed off this cheery quilt top!

So much awesomeness, week after week!  Let's get down to business!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for that Kelly :D Loving Courtyard Tiles too - Chris :D

  2. I love love the pattern Kelly! Good job :-)

  3. Congrats on the finish, and on using all of that Amy Butler stash--I'm impressed! I think the teal binding is perfect, teal looks great with so many things.

  4. Another great pattern Kelly. Congrats to the winners and thanks for sharing my scrap quilt again!

  5. Oh Kelly, this finished up beautifully! The fabrics show so rich and yummy. Congrats on another great finish.

  6. Looks beautiful, Kelly!! It's one of my favourites :)


  7. Love it. It looks like a finish that should be with me. :)


  8. Love it Kelly. I just love your use of colour and pattern. I want to make your bejewelled pattern, is it for sale ?

  9. Hi Kelly! Your quilt is gorgeus! Please delete my link because the photo didn't appear well and it doesn't let me make NEW link. Congrutulations for the lucky winners! x Teje

  10. Wow! This is gorgeous! Love the simplicity and elegance of it! Well done!

  11. Do you handprint your labels, or are they completed on the computer and printed?

    1. I handwrite them with a Pigma micron pen. It takes a little practice to write on fabric, but it's doable. If you're interested, I have a full tutorial on my Tutorials page for how I make them.

      :) Kelly

  12. This has to be one of my favorites of yours!!

  13. I love your new pattern - Courtyard Tiles! The fabric you used is absolutely perfect!

  14. Congrats to all the winners! And thanks for the Linky Party Kelly. I love your pieced backing and label on Courtyard Tiles!


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