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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy (Early) Thursday!

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday a little early, y'all!  I'm heading out to dinner this evening for my birthday so I'm posting a little earlier than usual. We took our wild thing to his very first summer camp away from home on Sunday, so we decided to postpone my birthday dinner to take advantage of not needing a sitter.  We won't get to pick him up until Saturday morning.  It's 2.5 hours away, and a totally unplugged experience, so although the camp posts plenty of photos, I haven't had any contact with him at all.  This is the longest I have ever been away from him, and I'm really missing him!

I have been getting a lot of sewing done in my brand new sewing room though!  I've been working on a baby quilt with a tutorial for the Fort Worth Fabric Studio Blog's Sew Baby tutorial series.  I can't share it with you until June 24th, but I know you're going to love it!

Up next for me is something I will be able to share though.  I just got this bundle of Anna Maria Horner's Dowry collection, and I'll be using these to make a quilt for my mom!  Aren't those colors and prints fabulous? I always love how AMH's fabrics look like they are collected from treasured vintage finds, yet play together so perfectly.  I can't wait to cut into them!

By the way, I've created a feature button for the party.  If you're featured this week, or if you have been featured in the past, feel free to grab button for your sidebar!

My Quilt Infatuation Feature

<a href="" target="_blank"><img
src="" border="0" alt="My Quilt Infatuation Feature" /> </a>

Last week's party was amazing!  I know I say that all the time, but it's true!  You all inspire me each and every week-  And I have to say, I really feel like I run out of ways to express that.  So, let's get down to the highlights!

If you missed this quilt from Lori at Crossquilt, you should definitely check it out.  Lori is a friend from my local MQG, and I had the privilege of seeing this one in person!

Thread Everywhere linked up this pretty picnic quilt.  The colors are so lovely against that blue sky!

and Charlotte's gRACE for a Cure shared this awesomely mod baby quilt!

Ready to party?  Link up, friends!  Remember the rules!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

**Please remember to be sure your post includes a project.  I would appreciate it if you would not link to giveaways or other parties unless your post also includes a project you're working on.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Happy birthday Kelly! Hope you have a nice night out! Can't wait to see your AMH project too!

  2. Happy Birthday! And summer camp? Eeek!! I love the fabric bundle, and thanks for sharing my quilt!

  3. Hi Kelly! Happy Birthday! Those fabrics look so beautiful - they will be fantastic quilt! Must feel strange to be away from your little one so many days. I hope you had wonderful time out celebrating your Birthday! x Teje

  4. Yes! Happy Happy BIrthday!!! Enjoy your date night!

  5. Happy Birthday, Kelly! Hope you have a wonderful day. Look forward to seeing what you create with the AMH bundle. Enjoy!!

  6. Enjoy your Birthday dinner. I hope it is somewhere fabulous! I can't wait to see what you come up with for the AMH fabric. That's the collection I'll be using to make my Celtic Cross Quilt.

  7. Hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner!

  8. Hope you had a fantastic birthday celebration! The kiddo will be back before you know it with all kinds of stories to tell you :)


  9. I recently got a bundle of dowry as well, my first AMH in fact! And will also be making my mother a quilt with it :) I'm doing EPP hexies for the first time :0 What will you be doing?

  10. happy birthday, kelly girl!!! and thanks for the button. we all love a good button for blog bling. =) can't wait to see the rest of your secret projects. but i'm going to check out your new sewing room now. lucky you and janet!

  11. Happy Birthday Kelly!!!
    Hope your dinner is lovely :)

  12. Happy Birthday Kelly!

    Summer is the best time of the year for birthdays (I'm biased). And try not to miss your son too much. He is probably far too busy having a whale of a time to miss you.

    Lucky you, new sewing room! Plenty of space for you to make an extra special quilt for your mum.

    I have started a new weekend linky for FMQ fans and shall be sticking to your example of visiting everyone who links up. Haven't totally mastered how to organise a weekly link up yet though... you'll see what I mean!

    Love from hot and sunny(!) England,

  13. Happy Birthday Kelly ......hope you had a fabulous day! Your little one will be home before you know it! It doesn't matter how old they are we always miss them when they are away. Loving those AMH fabrics ...I have a few of those also. Your Mum will be delighted when she gets her quilt. As always, thank you for hosting the party. Have a great weekend. Marie x (

  14. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a nice time out with hubby:) Those fabrics look yummy and I cant wait to see what you do with them. Mom will love these no doubt!

  15. Happy Birthday! I love the AMH fabric, I bet your mom will too! Thanks for sharing my quilt, and for the button :) Kate


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Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting! I read and appreciate every single comment, and I reply to each one as soon as I can. If you don't hear back from me, you might be a no-reply blogger. :)

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